"The sound in that room was as impressive to me as the D120's build quality.
Played via a pair of D120s, some haunting female vocal music with a sparse piano accompaniment had such a wonderous sense of scale that it was easy to get lost in it.
The speakers seemed right on the money tonally as well, and they conveyed the emotion in the singer's lament just as competently as they did scale."
Matt Bonaccio, SoundStage!
"the sound was wonderfully easy to listen to and fall into. Very nice!!"
Lin and Stu, HIFIPIG
"second in the favorite room list 'In any event, this system sang out sweetly, filling the large space with high level emotion."
"The Sublime sounded fabulous driving TotalDAC speakers"
Alan Taffel, The Absolute Sound
"Totaldac in a stunning demonstration of a 100% in-house system based"
"overall a pretty good system"
"The DAC itself has no edginess, no brightness"
"lot of body, organic texture"
"sound was very good"
"overall a pretty pleasant experience"
"I can't say I am disappointed"
Jay's audio lab
recording of the Totaldac room and 27 other rooms at the Munich show 2024
recording of Totaldac room in Paris 2023
"On listening, we were confronted with a mature, complete, organic and extremely detailed performance. It is a high-efficiency system with a sub that can range over all musical geniuses with authority and control up to live concert levels. It is noteworthy and one of the very few cases in my memory where the subwoofer improved the overall performance without giving the feeling of something added afterwards, a perception of emissive uniformity that made everything even more credible." GIONA ORLANDI, Quotidianoaudio
HIFIPig photos Hifi Pig
Totaldac Fun Day 2022 video recording
"...incredibly open and full-range in every respect. Wild, even. Vincent was leaning heavily on classic rock recordings and soon it became apparent that Totaldac gear can party hard, yet in an extremely refined way.
The room was big, but the Totaldac in Munich was even bigger in pure visceral impact than I could have imagined back at home.
What I remember most about Totaldac in Munich was the system's tremendous sense of space, as well as pure and unbridled dynamics in a fairly large listening room."
Part time audiophile
"The larger room was perfect for this system, the real synergy in a "nose to tail" system all designed and made by one brand was apparent...
I think the world is ready to realise that Totaldac do so much more than just DACs!"
Hifi Pig
"La liberté d’expression des Totaldac est saisissante: lisibilité et transparence sans coloration, aisance dynamique, comme branchés en direct sur la musique live." Haute Fidélité
Video recording of the system in a navigating yacht and streaming Qobuz
A Totaldac source was also used in 2 other rooms at Hifideluxe:
Camerton / Holton using d1-streamer + d1-direct + d1-driver
and Askja audio.
A d1-seven DAC and a USB GIGAFILER was also used by Focal JMLAB on their highest end headphone system.
"The R-2R totaldac is the least DAC-sounding of any DAC I’ve heard. When it plays recordings is does not sound digital or analogue.
Instead, it conveys this slightly dark, deep, super-quiet transparent spaciousness that I find riveting – and very natural.
Tone was the most life-like I have heard from Magico."
Herb Reichert, Stereophile
"Totaldac and Magico were producing holographic images and musical realism.
Love the M6 Magicos!"
Peter Breuninger, AVShowroom
"The Holton TotalDac room featuring the Camerton-audio Binom 1 loudspeaker had stunning detail and clarity
with outstanding impact from such a small loudspeaker."
Peter Breuninger, AVShowroom
"Askia Audio (embedding a Totaldac DAC) from France had very unique looking loudspeakers and electronics.
The sound was fast and detailed with lots of space and pace."
Peter Breuninger, AVShowroom
"it sounded very good indeed."
Linette Smith, HifiPig
"it sounded really great as well! Transparent and uncolored, airy and unfatiguing this was a sound that you could listen to for hours."
CHRISTIAAN PUNTER, Owner of Hifi-Advice.com
"It's really not exactly easy to drive the Magico M6 speakers, but the Amp-1 amplifier was designed from the ground up with the M6's and it shows on the very first note strike.
Certainly a system you don't want to miss."
"Camerton Audio Binom-1 somehow reflect an aura of acoustical instruments. Very stylish and captivating!"
"Sur un passage d'orgue, la puissance est impressionnante dans l'extrême grave, sans aucune confusion, d'une netteté alliée à un délié rare,
en plus d'une capacité dynamique à l'énergie sans limite, comme sur le French Cancan endiablé.
Surtout l'Amp-1 alliée au sources Totaldac sait mettre en valeur la finesse et la définition des Magico M6, en apportant plus de matière
sans rajouter de surbrillance dans l'aigu qui reste d'une variété incroyable, sans raideur comme parfois avec certaines électroniques à transistor puissantes."
Haute Fidélité
"TotalDAC had secured one of the few ground-floor super cabins to make very good sound with Absolare monos.
On flavour, the Analog Domain designer's private system had been very visceral and gripping.
Vincent Brient's transplanted from France for the occasion was ultra spacious and elegant.
Anyone who declares an absolute sound hasn't yet lived long enough. There are many lenses of perspectives or moods to experience playback through.
Premium executions of these are all equally valid. This was one of those."
Srajan Ebaen, 6moons
"The outcome was impressive to say the least"
Dawid Grzyb, HifiKnights
"This was a great sounding system. We will be visiting Vincent shortly for a full and proper demonstration of this system."
"I've had limited time at the show, but enjoyed very involving combo. Way to go and present system."
Matej Isak, Mono&Stereo
"His DAC remains the most melodic."
-Absolare room, on Rockport speakers.
"Best Sound (cost no object). There was a complete lack of grain and glare;
the presentation had utterly natural timbre and tremendous ability to pull me into the music rather than to think about the sound.
A terrific system expertly set up."
Robert Harley, the absolute sound
Ron Resnick, MONO&STEREO
"Possibly best in show."
-A room with Totaldac USB GIGAFILTER + reclocker + d1-seven, Holton Audio amplifier, TelluriumQ cables and Soulsonic HOLOGRAMM-X speakers.
"it played phenomenally, that is, full of concert swinging sound."
"The sound in this room was something else displaying effortless power and a concert hall-like experience."
-Focal room, using a d1-seven + GIGAFILTER as source for a Utopia headphone.
"The totaldac sound, in my experience, is one of delivering the musical event as it was originally recorded, and here in Munich it seemed that
musical event was taking place in the room with me – no small feat in any sense – and considering it was a ballroom-sized space it made the
accomplishment all the more impressive. Brient has a loudspeaker design that when paired with his bespoke DAC/streamer/Server sources, and
an uncoloured amplifier is capable of utterly transporting the listener to the moment the track was recorded."
Rafe Arnott, part-time audiophile.com
Amongs the best rooms according to Absolute sound, 3 used a Totaldac DAC as digital source: Absolare/Rockport, Voxativ and Engstroem/Marten.
the absolute sound
room E115
amplifier: Analog Domain
speakers: Göbel High End
room E226
amplifier: Analog Domain
speakers: Silberstatic
room F219
pre + amplifier: Engstrom&Engstrom
cables: Bibacord
speakers: Kaiser Accoustics
room E222
DAC: Totaldac d1-tube-mk2
Australia, Sydney
d1-triunity DAC, accessories. photo
Brasil, Sao Paulo
Reclocker-sublime, d1-sublime DAC, d1-driver-sublime mono. photo1, photo2, system description
Canada, Victoria
d1-digital-sublime reclocker, d1-triunity DAC, driver mono.
France, Bordeaux
d1-switch, d1-player, d1-streamer-sublime, d1-triunity, Amp-1 amplifier, d150-anniversary speakers, sub-d100. photo
France, Bordeaux
reclocker, d1-direct DAC, driver. photo
France, Paris
player, d1-streamer-sublime, reclocker, d1-triunity DAC, driver, amplifier, accessories. photo
Germany, Hamburg
d1-triunity DAC.
Italy, Roma
reclocker, d1-sublime DAC.
Italy, Torino
streamer, d1-direct DAC, accessories. photo1, photo2
Netherlands, Eindhoven area
d1-streamer-sublime, d1-triunity DAC, d1-driver monoblocs photo, customer feedback
Poland, Warszawa area
streamer, d1-twelve-mk2 DAC, driver mono, amplifier, d100 speakers.
Switzerland, Basel
d1-streamer-sublime, d1-sublime DAC, driver, d1-triunity. photo
UK, London area (North)
streamer, reclocker, d1-twelve-mk2 DAC.
UK, London - Cambridge, close to Stansted airport
streamer, reclocker, d1-direct DAC.
UK, Manchester
streamer, d1-tube-mk2 DAC.
USA, Austin area
player, d1-switch, streamer, reclocker, d1-twelve DAC. photo, photo2
USA, between Indianapolis and Chicago
d1-switch, player, streamer, reclocker, d1-twelve-mk2 DAC, accessories. photo, customer feedback
USA, New York area
d1-switch, player, streamer-sublime, reclocker-sublime, d1-sublime DAC, driver mono, amplifier, d100 speakers. photo1, photo2, customer feedback
USA, New York area
d1-direct DAC, accessories. photo1, photo2
USA, San Diego (North)
d1-streamer-live, d1-triunity DAC.
USA, San Diego (North)
player, streamer, reclocker, d1-twelve-mk2 DAC.
USA, San Jose CA
d1-direct DAC.
USA, Seattle
d1-core DAC.
USA, Texas (South)
d1-switch, reclocker, d1-sublime DAC, driver mono, Amp-1 amplifier. photo, customer feedback
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